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The Port Madison Enterprises Corporate Donations & Sponsorships Fund

The Port Madison Enterprises Board of Directors is committed to improving the lives of community members. As such, the Board has set aside non-casino funds for distribution to organizations that support worthy programs in the region through the Port Madison Enterprises Corporate Donations & Sponsorships Fund, more commonly known as the PME Fund.

Requests for information about applying to the Port Madison Enterprises Board of Directors Fund should be directed to: PMEFund@clearwatercasino.com

How to Apply
Please download the PME Fund Application by clicking here, and read the application requirements. The PDF is a fillable form.  Please make sure to specify whether your request is a for a donation or sponsorship. Submit the completed application via email or mail it to:

Port Madison Enterprises

15347 Suquamish Way NE

Suquamish, Washington 98392

Attn. PME Fund

Once we receive your completed application, a representative will be in contact with you.

Donation applicants, please note that because we consider our donations to be supplemental to the Suquamish Tribe’s Appendix X Fund (“Appendix X Fund”), we require eligible organizations to the Appendix X Fund to apply to that fund first. The Appendix X Fund is managed solely by the Suquamish Tribe and Port Madison Enterprises (“PME”) has no part in that process. Deadlines for application to the Appendix X Fund occur on a quarterly basis- December 30, March 30, June 30 and September 30 - and grants are usually awarded within 60 days of the application deadline. To apply for an Appendix X grant, please click here.


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